The Ex Review

The Ex Freida McFadden Book Review

Title: The Ex

Author: Freida McFadden

Publisher: Hollywood Upstairs Publishing

Publication Date: February, 2019

Genre: Thriller

Pages: 350

My Rating: ★★★★★

“They say there’s a thin line between love and hate. In those few seconds between when Joel stood up and when the door to the restaurant slammed behind him, my love for Joel Broder started to morph into hatred”

The Ex is a twisty thriller that follows Joel’s ex, and Joel’s new girlfriend. Its fast pace and short chapters kept me turning the pages and I read it in just two sittings.

Oddly enough, I quite liked both the crazy ex, and the current girlfriend and in true Freida fashion, she keeps you on your toes because it’s never who you think it is!

I always turn to Freida if I’m in a bit of a reading rut because I find her books super engaging, fun and easy to read.

This book was available for FREE through Amazon Prime Reading. Thank you, Freida!

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